Friday 20 November 2015

How to Simply Cook Eggs Over Easy


Can we really ever get enough?
Not this lady.

So here is a wonderfully easy egg recipe.
Over easy in fact.  Ha ha!
Eggs over easy are my favourite!
The delicious firm egg white surrounded by the warm liquid yolk.
I'm drooling!
I love mopping up the yolk with hot buttered toast.

And it took me a very long time to figure out the secret
to cooking a perfect over-easy egg
(hint: it involves a pan lid and a timer).

Ready for more breakfast!?
Or lunch, or dinner or midnight snack? *wink*

Eggs Over Easy

Stove top
Frying pan with lid
1-2 tsp Oil (I use canola)
1 Egg
Salt, Pepper or Other preferred seasoning

1. Heat the frying pan to medium on the stove top for 4 minutes.  All of my ranges have had cooking dials with numbers 1-9.  On my glass top range I could set the dial to #5, but on my hotter coil burner range I set the dial to #4.  The real secret of this recipe is finding that sweet heat spot on your range.
2. Add 1-2 tsp (a good squirt!) of oil to the pan.  Rotate the pan to coat in oil or simply move the oil around using your flipper.

3. Set timer to 2 minutes.  Carefully crack egg (so as not to break the yolk) into the pan.  Add seasonings as desired. I eat my eggs without seasoning.  Just toast and butter! Cover with lid and start timer.

4. Optional - Toast and butter your delicious homemade bread!
5.  After 2 minutes the egg should be set and edges browning if correct egg cooking temperature was achieved.  If the egg browns too quickly or slowly adjust the range dial as needed.  Flip egg (carefully so as not to break the yolk) and cook another 20 seconds.

First side done.  Now flip!

Only 20 seconds on this side so as not to cook the yolk in the middle.

6. Enjoy your egg hot with toast and butter! Or whatever else you enjoy eating your over-easy egg with.  Is there another way?

You would think cooking an egg would be simple
but I have found, over time, that it is quite complex
to cook the perfect egg.

Can you believe that I have a recipe card written
just for cooking an over-easy egg?
True fact!

I hope you find these instructions helpful.
Until next time...

Happy thoughts,

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