Monday 16 November 2015

How to Make Apple Cinnamon Pancakes - Egg Free, Wheat Free

So good!


I love the smell of Apple Cinnamon Pancakes frying in the pan.
The aroma fills my house with deliciousness.
This is the kids absolute favorite recipe!
I am their hero every time I make it.
And they usually request pancakes for the next two days after I've made them.
Maybe it's because I make them for supper...

I stumbled upon a fantastic substitute for eggs in baking.
Sonja, who blogs over at, uses them in her many recipes.
I'd never heard of this before (and was slightly skeptical)
but I like the results and use this "egg" all the time.

Have you ever heard of chia seeds?
Most of you should answer "YES!"
If you've ever owned, seen or heard of a "Chia Pet"....
Yep.  Those seeds!
The seeds are quite remarkable.
(*Coming Soon* Click here to read all about the magic of these little seeds.)

When they are wet, they soften and create a kinda gel that sticks them all together.  Using the seeds, and a small amount of water, you can create a "chia egg".  How cool is that?!  It's the same consistency as a real egg but without all the allergens of a real egg.  Hooray!  No allergens!!  When you create the "egg" you soften the seeds in water.  This means there is no crunch added by using these seeds.  They're really amazing to use.  Really!

I am able to purchase these seeds at our local bulk foods store.  I have also discovered that these seeds, when used as "eggs", are actually cheaper than real eggs!  So I've been using them more and more in my baking.  Which means I can create recipes for the whole family!


Of course if you like eggs and are not allergic to them,
feel free to use a real egg in place of a chia egg.

Now back to the reason we're all here......

Apple Cinnamon Pancakes

3 tbsp Oil - I use canola
1 Chia Egg - Mix one tbsp chia seeds with three tbsp water.  Let sit 5 minutes.

3/4 cup Milk
3/4 cup Water
1 tsp Vanilla

3/4 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
2 1/2 tsp Baking powder
1 1/2 cup Oat flour - Make your own using oat flakes (oatmeal) and blending in a blender or food processor.  I purchase mine at our local bulk foods store.

1 Apple

How To
1. Create chia egg and let it sit 5 minute to gel.  While waiting peel, core and dice apple.  
Creating a chia egg.

2.  Pour chia egg (all seeds and water) into a medium bowl or large measuring cup.  Whisk in oil.  Then whisk in milk, water and vanilla.

The gel-like look of a created chia egg.

3.  Preheat a large frying pan on medium heat.
 - On my oven, with dials numbered 1-9, I use number 5.
4. Sprinkle salt, cinnamon, baking powder and oat flour over the wet ingredients.  Whisk together.
5.  Stir in the diced apple.

Cinnamon apples.  Yum, yum!
6.  Pour batter into the frying pan to create 4 small circles.  Cook until bubbles appear on the top of the pancake.  Flip and cook 30 seconds more.  Remove from pan.
7.  Repeat step 6 until all the batter has been cooked into, approximately, 20 delicious pancakes. 
8.  Serve warm with Canadian maple syrup or refrigerate them and eat them for snack.  My kids love to do that!

Fantastically easy, nutritious and egg free.

Have a wonderful day!

Happy thoughts,

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