Friday 13 November 2015

Why I Love Laundry

I heart, heart, heart laundry!

We are keepers of the home.
We are what stands between chaos and cleanliness.
We are the soldiers who battle mountains of dirty dishes
and smelly socks on a daily basis.
Often it is a thankless battle.

That is why we become so bitter towards many of our chores.
They're not fun.  No one appreciates our work.  No one notices.
Except when they're not done.
Chores are not what we'd like to do with our time. 
They're a requirement.

Friends take heart!
I want to encourage you to enjoy your chores.
I want you to view your to-do list as something fun!
Think it's possible?
I do!
I love laundry and here's why:

How to Love your Laundry

1. It fits into my schedule.  Laundry is one of the wonderful chores! I can do it whenever it's convenient.  I could do it the morning, the evening, or on the weekends.  Whenever! I like to do all my laundry once a week (5 loads in a day) but when that's not possible I can easily do one load a day for 5 days.  Or I could do 2 loads one day, take a day off, then do the remaining 3 loads the next day.   Whatever order.  Whenever it's convenient.  Are doing dishes as flexible and convenient?

2. I can multi-task.  This is probably my favorite reason for loving laundry.  I can do the laundry and absolutely anything else.  At the same time!   If I set aside time for my chores (say 20 minutes), I only need 5 minutes to put a load in the washer.  Then I can read, play with the kids, or have a nap for the next 15 minutes!  Awesome.  And, even better,  when I'm asked, "What did you do today?"  I can say, "I did the laundry".  When really it only took a few minutes of my time moving the laundry from one machine to the next.  This reason helps me enjoy those reading and playing times since I feel I'm still getting my chores done.  I'm relaxing and yet I'm still going to cross "laundry" off my to-do list.

3. I can complete it sitting down.  I have many chores.  Many many chores.  Most of them I'm on my feet.  I'm on my feet most of the day really.  So when the evening comes, and I've switched the loads back and forth through the laundry machines in the day, I can now sit and fold.  Often I'll sit on the couch and my husband will turn on a movie or tv show for us to watch.  I just sit and fold and finish up the laundry.  Or sometimes I'll spread all the clean laundry out on the bed.  I'll sit on the edge and just fold.  It's relaxing because I love sitting.  After a long day, it's really nice to just sit.  And to be surrounded by the smell of warm clean laundry?  Heaven!

4. It brings chaos to disorder.  I know not everyone will identify with this reason. But I love taking mess and organizing it.  I love taking the jumble of clothes and folding them all nice and neat.  My little organizer's heart loves looking at a beautifully folded pile of clothes.  *Swoon*

5.  I'm a hero! I try to keep my kids' clothes minimal.  Brooklynn does not need 12 pairs of pants (although she'd tell you otherwise).  It keeps me from overspending and keeps them grateful for what they have.  If the kids only have 9 pairs of pants, and I do the laundry once a week, then by the end of the week the pants' drawer is looking very empty.  But not to worry.... Super Mom is here!  I unload the clean pile of clothes and I'm a hero! Every week!  Or sometimes a child will spill something on a most cherished shirt.  They will look up at me with tears in their eyes.  "Don't worry.  Mommy can clean it," I say.  And their sad faces turn into joyful faces.  Of course my kids are still little and still think Mommy is magical.  But it's still a reason I love doing the laundry. 

 Of course at times I get behind on the laundry.  Life just happens.  Things come up.  Kids get sick.  I get sick.  It just happens.  I still try my best to put through some loads (since, as mentioned above, the machines do most of the work) but if I don't get them folded or put away, that's okay.  I know when we're all better I'll catch up.   After all,

I Love Laundry!

Happy thoughts,

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1 comment:

  1. Wow! Great blog Homemaking Maven! I especially liked the pictures of the laundry. I will remember your blog the next time I do laundry. Thanks for the great inspiration! :)
